Assisi Nilayam Convent, Alappuzha
Alappuzha is a city in Kerala, India, known as the Venice of the East. It was with an intention of health ministry, the sisters of Franciscan Handmaids of the Good Shepherd arrived in Alapuzha on November 22, 1993. As invited by Rt.Rev. Dr Msgr. Jacob Vadakkeveettil C.M., a member of Board of Trustees of Sahrudaya hospital, the sisters took up various responsibilities at the hospital which was run by the Social Welfare Society, Thathampally. In the beginning sisters stayed at one of the rooms of the hospital. They also extended their service to various needs of St Michel’s Church, Thathampally. Meanwhile Late Fr. Mathew Mepruth handed over a house and land to the Congregation with an intention of taking care of his own sisters by the Congregation. A new building was constructed in view of a possible old age home. In addition to our charismatic care, we stretch our hands to parish, teaching and health ministries. The sisters also serve at the Training Institute for Mentally Under Developed Children (TIMUC), a special school run by the Social Welfare Society.