Our Apostolic Services
Caring the sick and the aged
Mother was reminding us through her last letter, the charity towards the aged that should be continues for those who are suffering for long time. In order to show the concern towards the aged, Mother started a home for the aged to give support and care to them. There is need to provide care and love of the Good Shepherd to those who have no one else to care for them. As a part of our apostolic activities in caring the aged in India, we have a home at Moonnumury and also Alappuzha.
The members of the Franciscan Handmaids of the Good Shepherd spread their wings to many other diverse areas of ministries and services including schools, hospitals and religious institutions throughout India. Our sisters provide assistance to Lisie Hospital Ernakulam, Lourdes Hospital Ernakulam, Rajagiri Hospital Chunagamvely, Little Flower Hospital Angamaly, MAGJ Hospital Mookkannur, St.James Hospital Chalakudy, Amala Hospital Thrissur, St. Thomas Hospital Chethipuzha, Christanand Hospital Brahmapuri, Christ Hospital Chandrapur, and Madhura Hospital. We also have our active presence in in Divine Retreat Centre (Divine Voice), Divine Care Center for Mental Health Santhipuram, Retreat Center Potta, Renewal Centre Kaloor, Rogation School Aluva, Sacred Heart English Medium School Mookkannur etc. Today, our sisters serve in five states, with fourteen houses and two hundred members.
Formation of youth
Mother Teresa is an empowering instrument for falling women (unwedded mother). According to the founding charism, we should give more importance to the activities that could promote salvation of the young girls who are in danger. For this we have to go and work among the youth. Mother Teresa Napoli was offering a high apostolic ideal to bring back the fallen women and started a center at Rome to support them.
Hostels :- We are running ladies hostels as the part of our Indian apostolic activities. Through this we provide psycho-education, spiritual direction and security to the girls in their life.
Youth animation:- In order to adapting the vision and mission of our mother we are conducting seminars for the youth, counseling, awareness programme, etc.
Education Ministry (Moral education, value education and Christian education. Formal and non-formal education in collaboration with other institutions.)
Regular school:- Our education system must be concentrated on value –based education. In our society the parents usually bothered about the external growth and professional facilities. Through education we could form a good character in the children. Therefore we should give a good life vision and build up good values in their life. It will help them to face the realities of life and to move out of themselves and take initiative. Our schools are trying to give not only Christian education which gives them economic independence but also a formation of mind and heart which gives them inner freedom of spirit to be themselves and bring qualities of courage and compassion to build up a justice and caring society. In order to continue this mission we are serving in different schools.
Special education: In the modern society, the mentally retarded children are getting neglected. The disabled and mentally handicapped children are suffering from isolation and negation. When a disabled or crippled child is born, parents find it difficult to accept him or her. A person may be physically healthy but he may be mentally handicapped and psychologically, socially and spiritually diseased. Today in our society they need our guidance; training and moral support to overcome the limitation of their disability. By providing the training, we assess their physical and mental ability and to develop their potentials in maximum level. Also we like to show they are valuable person in the society. For this purpose our sisters are working in this field.
Family Apostolate: We religious sent to be loving presence to the people, those who are living in darkness and despair. Jesus sent his disciples to accomplish a mission, to announce the Good News to the poor, to heal the sick and to liberate the people those who are in slavery and cast out demons. Religious life is a charismatic action. It is a gift of spirit and the appearance of Gospel vitality. As religious, our responsibility is proclaiming the Good News to the surrounding people by our witness. We can do this by doing pastoral services in parish and house visiting.
House visiting: Christians are living witness to Jesus Christ, the Crucified. House visiting is a very important means to the evangelization. Through this, we can be available to the people and to ease the problems. Through this, we can identify the problems they meet, and help them to solve it as much as possible by means of prayer, counseling, charitable activities, arranging awareness programme, seminars, informal education, care the sick and lonely, etc. Through this mission we can maintain a constant relationship with the people.
Pastoral care in Hospitals: Patients who are hospitalized- especially those with severe or terminal illness may feel completely alone and isolated. This is why most hospitals provide pastoral care to those in need. Hospitals aim to provide the best care for their patients, which includes meeting with their emotional and spiritual needs. It is really a healing process. They are available for any type of spiritual counseling, including praying with patients, answering ethical, moral and religious questions, providing rituals or sacraments such as baptisms or blessings or just talking. So our sisters are actively rendering their care in this ministry.
Counseling: Counseling is a process that focuses on enhancing the psychological well- being of the client, such that the client is then able to reach their full potential. Also which facilitates the personal growth, development and personal understanding, which in turn empowers the person to adopt more constructive life practices. It can be helpful in number of ways. It can enable one to develop clearer understanding of concerns and help acquire new skills to better manage personal and situational issues and also help persons think of creative solutions to problems.
Parish Ministry: Our affective and effective solidarity with the poor and needy is based of Christian charity and of human availability to the teaching of Christ. By our pastoral services in parish we can be available to the needy, oppressed and those who are marginalized. In order to follow this mission, we are animating and guiding different organizations like CLC, Thirubalaskhiam, MathruPithru Sangam, KCYM etc.
Catechism: By giving catechism we can build up a faithful community in the society. Through this, children will get basic foundation in faith and it leads to a spirit filled life in Christ. They will grow to ideal citizens of the society as well as enjoy the freedom of the children of God. Thus, our people will grow into a fraternal, lovable, sharing and bearing community with one heart and mind, like the ancient church. Also, it will help the people to be faithful to God and experience the providential love of Almighty God, both in joy and sorrow.