Franciscan Handmaids of the Good Shepherd

Our Mission

The Congregation of Franciscan Handmaids of the Good Shepherd, dedicate themselves to perform their apostolic mission that the church has entrusted to them with the work of mercy for the comfort of needy with special care for the young girls, the aged, the poorest who are living on the marginalized in the society especially for the women, through a humble, joyful, active and disinterested service both in homeland and in foreign lands according to the necessities of time and place irrespective of caste, creed, color and nation.

Our Charism

The Congregation of the Franciscan Handmaids of the Good Shepherd was born in the Church to serve the humanity by incarnating the tenderness and the maternal solicitude of Christ, the Good Shepherd. As persons of deep God-experience, we express our charism as a community to promote, to defend and to save the life of all, preferably the poor and the marginalized in the society, especially for women, youth, elderly priests and the aged people who are alone and abandoned, through our loving service to them. Since our life is to be enriched by the spirit and practice of the Oriental and Indian spirituality, we are called to live our Charism in the Indian context which consists of different religions, rites, cultures, languages and on the other part a great disparity in the economic condition of the rich and the poor.

Our Vision

The Vision of our Congregation Franciscan Handmaids of the
Good Shepherd is to promote the greater glory of God, the sanctification of its
members in cooperation for the kingdom of God on earth making its own the
craving of Jesus Good Shepherd to unite all his sheep in a single flock under a
single pastor.

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For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. (Jn. 3:16)

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